JPC Monthly News & Updates, MAY 2024

Pastor’s Corner: A message from Pastor Dave

Pentecost for the Frozen Chosen: We Presbyterians are often referred to as the “Frozen Chosen.” Chosen because we emphasize God’s doctrine of election. We didn’t choose God…God chose us. I became a Christian because God in the power of the Holy Spirit reached into my life and converted me. If not for God, I would never choose God. We have been too corrupted by sin. It’s comforting to know that we are chosen. Given how fickle we can be, I would rather not trust myself with such an important choice. Your name is written on the book of life, your ticket to heaven has been punched, and you have already passed over from death to life, because God chose you. And, it’s helpful that glory is given where glory is due. God gets the glory for the entire church. Every Christian worships God because God chose them. It’s not because we are better, smarter, or wiser than anybody else in the world. It’s God’s doing…and His doing alone. Yes. I’m chosen!!

But, frozen? Where does that come from? We Presbyterians aren’t the most animated of worshipers. I remember being asked in a church interview how I would respond if I saw somebody rolling in the aisles. I jokingly responded, “In a Presbyterian Church? Call 911!” We tend to be much more reserved. It’s rare to see Presbyterians even raise their hands in worship. And, because we take our doctrines like elections so seriously, we can be branded as too intellectual. I think this is an unfair characterization. We are hardly frozen. There are tears….many tears, laughter, excitement, love, gratitude in worship. This is the work of the Holy Spirit. Understanding and appreciating the truth of election, doctrinal precision, carefully ordering worship to honor God–well, that’s the work of the Holy Spirit too. In 1 Corinthians 14:26-40, Paul scolds the church in Corinth for disorderly worship.

On Pentecost, we celebrate the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the church. By the power of the Holy Spirit, God empowers (Acts 1:8) us to follow Jesus Christ, understand election, and build the Kingdom of God. We may not always show it, but still waters run deep. Celebrate Pentecost in the most Presbyterian of ways – with understanding and depth of feeling. Praise the Holy Spirit!

MAY the force be with you…

SO many ways to get engaged in the life of JPC. Whether it be a standing commitment through a committee – or a brief project – the rewards are bountiful!! And this month the opportunities are springing up! Mark your calendars:

  • Sunday, May 5 9:30 – 11am Communion followed by Pancake Breakfast Contributions of non-perishable items to donate to the Salvation Army.
  • Saturday, May 11 2pm – 4pm All Saints Supper: Part of the Bread of Life ministry Feed the needy in our community. Meal Prep – JPC kitchen 5pm – 7pm Setup/Serve/Cleanup – 535 Haws Ave, Norristown
  • Saturday, May 18 8am – 1pm Spring Cleanup Day Assist with grounds cleanup (inside and outside) Bring gardening tools if you can. Do as little or as much as you like

Setting the Wheels in Motion…
The JPC Property Committee has been hard at work over the past several months tackling some of the issues of an aging property. Many of these projects are addressed behind the scenes that most of us may not notice. Whether it be addressing roof leaks, electrical issues, grounds maintenance or some other condition, we are thankful for these volunteers. Most recently, we were firsthand witness to the efforts of this group when the parking lot was paved and lined. Thank you for orchestrating this improvement!


  • Perry Grisdale, Chair
  • John Fusco
  • Jake Gronsky
  • Bill Heyser
  • Vance Kincade
  • Chris Landis
  • Sam Ramanjulu
  • Andy Whitmore

Other Volunteer Activities:

  • Any Sunday Donate baked goods –  Drop off your tasty treats in the Fellowship Hall before service. Culinary expertise not required.
  • By signup Church cleaning  – Choose a day in the month, and the activity of choosing to help clean the church. The monthly calendar is posted on the bulletin board in the hall.
  • By signup – -Grounds maintenance Volunteer needed to do light weeding/grounds cleanup over the summer months.
  • By signup Sunday  – greeter Greet members and guests upon arrival on 1st Sunday mornings. Hand out bulletin, provide direction as requested