Online Bible Study, Day 1 Scripture and Meditation

We begin our first day of the 20/20 challenge with a scripture and meditation on Psalm 51:10-12. May this prayer and meditation bring you a new heart, a new spirit, a new hope and a new joy.

By Betsi Moise


Burst of light

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.

Cast me not away from thy presence, and take not thy holy Spirit from me.

Restore to me the joy of thy salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.

Psalm 51:10-12

CLEAR THINKING-A prayer before meditating:  Create in me a clean heart. Remove the unmindful activity that constantly collects there. Clean away the harsh judgement and negativity. Wash away my un-loving nature so the beauty of your generous heart can shine through me. Remove whatever keeps me from following in your compassionate footsteps. Amen

A New Heart: We are coming into the Lenten season, a time when many Christians make a conscientious effort to draw closer to God. How is that done? By searching His Word and meditating on it. Fill our hearts with His Word so that when temptation comes, His Word becomes our thoughts -not our sinful natures. Only with Jesus can we replace hate and bitterness with love, and deceit with truth.

A New Spirit: The result of a clean heart is a right spirit, a right spirit that will help you not yield to temptation. A right spirit is one that is “fit, suitable, proper, becoming, or straight.” How properly do we portray Christ? How straight is our life? How is your spirit? Is it haughty? The Bible says that he that hath no rule over his spirit is like a city broken down and without wall. Let the Lord renew a right spirit within you!

A New Hope: Cast me not away…Please don’t let me be denied the hearing of the Good News which by your grace can bless my soul! Scripture and the Holy Spirit lead us to Jesus, it touches our conscience, and it is a yearning in our hearts to seek God. None of us want to be cast away. As David called out to God, we understand his plea- please Lord, do not take away our Hope.

A New Joy: When we are overwhelmed by guilt from sin, we sometimes doubt our own salvation. How can we expect the joy of it when we are not sure of it? We need to pray daily that our Lord, the God of our salvation, deliver us from the dominion of sin and free us from guilt through the conviction and encouragement of the Holy Spirit. With grateful hearts we cry out in praise to God for his forgiving mercy.

Dear Lord, Make my spirit strong and ready to obey you.